
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Az State 2011 Day 2 (as chipleader 2nd year in a row)

Day 2 was monday and the day started at 9am...

I realized when I arrived that someone else got to 350k but I would be 2nd in chips to start the day with a little more than 200 people left and top 110 of the 1053 total players making the money. Only about 5% of field was above 200k & average stack was 80k.

I got to my table and realized not one person had a short stack w/ almost all being at average or above average. Seat 3 the shortest stack was a pro that I recongized as a great tournament player and seat 5 was a somebody but I couldn't place him.

I was my typical socialable self enjoying life of playing poker & attempting to loosen up the table. The table seemed very tight & stress level for most seemed very high.

Blinds started at 800/1.6k and things moved pretty smooth. 3rd hand I turned open ended straight w/ 55 and person moved in which I called and spiked a 5 on the river to take the pot. The next hand in UTG I get 55 again and raise.. I couldn't see BB hand so I laughed and told the table I wasn't bullying and exposed my cards w/o realizing BB had a hand and he called. Floor was called & I was given a 5 hand pentalty. Flop came and BB bet and I folded and he showed me 4/2. I took the 5 hand pentalty as a blessing and walked around to check out other stacks and table draws.

I took two tough beats in the next hour w/ flopping top set and being called by a flush draw when we got it all in on the flop only for him to go running straight cards then I turned the nut straight against top two pair and we got it all in only for him to spike the full house on the river. I was still talking up the table but could tell it was going to be a grind type of day. At the first break I was down to 215k w/ average right at 100k and I was still feeling good. There was about 160 people left and I looked forward to taking advantage of the bubble. With some bust outs we got some short stack very amateur players (Not raising right amount and asking limit hold'em questions) and planned on trying to take advantage of them. I ended up turning trips w/ K8off against a short stack who had JJ & scooping a nice pot then 4 bet a guy all in after floping top pair and a flush draw only to get called by a worse top pair. I won a couple other small hands and my stack hit 422k w/ 114 people left. I took a quick walk around and was happy to see that I was the current chip leader.

-Bubble & 1 bad hand in 2 days of poker-
With 112 players left I had 422k and we had 2 new people moved to our table but average stack at our table was around 120k w/ one big stack of 280k who just moved to our table. I was playing tight waiting to find a spot w/ the bubble. Bubble was taking awhile and while playing hand for hand I get Ac9c in SB and other big stack at table raised 6x BB for the 2nd time (last time showed JJ) and I felt if I could hit I could get paid. (maybe 1st mistake)We went heads up to flop and flop was Ad9c10c giving me two pair but flush draw on board I wasn't happy. I bet out & other guy raised 3x my bet. I tanked for a bit attempting to get a read & although not giving away anything I put him on a big hand. I 4 bet & he tanked but called. Turn is a 10d counterfitting my two pair. As soon as the 10 hit I saw a twitch by the other player giving me the feeling he didn't like that 10. I checked to him (2nd mistake) and he made it 85k which was a big bet. I tanked going through the hand & kept coming back to him having KK or QQ trying to push me off my hand. After tanking I decided that by calling if a scare card comes on the river I could bluff the river putting him all in for his tournament life & unless he has huge hand I should be able to get him to lay it down because of the bubble. (3rd mistake)I called & staring at him the river comes a J. I instantly (4th mistake) think thats a good card to bluff and announce all in... I am immediatly snap called to my shock & he rolls over AK for top pair. I am shocked by his snap call then more shocked by him callin with just AK then (5th mistake) shocked that he had a stack of browns(5k chips) that I didn't account for and I thought he had 90k left he really had 137k left. Hand is over and I wasn't tilted as I was more shocked by his play as I recounted my stack I am now down to 180k but above average and feel if that player is willing to call w/ that I can get my chips back. I take a 2 hand walk around and I am back ready to play. We are now 1 person from the bubble and I get JJ UTG which I raise & get our shortest stack of 75k to move all in. I call and he shows A9 off only to flop an A and for me to ship the 75k to him as the bubble is busted the next hand. I am now down to 102k as we are in the money.

-Money no matter- I came in with the menatlity of playing for the win and the pay structure was such that between 110place & 30th place was only about 2.5k (alot of money but not same was 1st place 200k) therefore I wanted to play good but wasn't about to ride and blind out just for 300 dollars.

Players seemed to be going out quick & I ended up getting AJ & 99 & 66 in spots either I was 3 bet or someone moved all in and was called and had to get away. (AJ & 66 I would have won over 100k pots) I ended up getting killed by the blinds and cards and moved all in from button for 68k w/ 77 and was called by Qh10h who had to call 48k more and flop was good but Q on turn knocked me out of the AZ state 2011 in 80th place paying me 3.3x my buyin...

To say I was shocked I was out that early was an understatement and the A9 hand ate at me pretty bad for the drive home and the next 3 hours only for me to recalibrate and examine my play and understand its poker I needed to learn from my mistakes and realize back to back cashes was an acomplishment.

I will re-examine my thoughts of the A9 vs AK hand in a later post but to understand that the final table had 4 people w/ under 800k & to realize my 420k at the bubble was a huge stack it jabbed my bad play a little deeper but I took many notes examineded and talked it over with my poker buddies/mentors/coaches and I am going to be a better player because of the hand!

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